Portuguese Language and Culture

Ficha de unidade curricular - Ano letivo 2023/2024

Code: IMAS1001
Acronym: PLC
Semester/Trimester: 1st Semester
Acronym Curricular Years ECTS
Teaching weeks: 15
Weekly workload:
Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes 3
Head: Ana Luisa da Piedade Melro Blazer Gaspar Costa
Lectures: Nadine da Costa e Silva

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Knowledge of a non-native language and culture leads to the development of new ways of communicating. This process is both intimately linked to the self and his or hers individuality, and to the subjects’ cultural diversity. Moreover, this process drives the improvement of communicative, personal relations and behavioural skills. Ultimately, these skills contribute to widening horizons by developing a spirit of understanding, openness and facilitating adaptation to an ever-changing society.
The ability of communicate in a non-native language is essential in both the multilingual and multicultural Europe and in the globalised world of today. By knowing the Portuguese Language and Culture (PLC) course the students will develop linguistically and culturally by combining the linguistic character of learning with the cultural character. Throughout the course we will also discusses the historical, geographical, political, literary and artistic framework behind the subjects taught.


Interaction in the most immediate relevance areas of immediate basic need such as:

- Personal identification
- Social contact forms
- Daily life and tasks
- Services
- Travel
- Health and body care
- Free time, entertainment (e.g. leisure, hobbies, sports).

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

As far as content is concerned the topics, expressions and vocabulary which will be privileged are those relating to daily life and to the area of personal experiences.
The grammatical structures will be studied in conjunction with the proposed topics, activities and tasks, the types of texts and the communicative needs of the students.
The approach towards the contents will be from a perspective of cyclical consolidation and progressive enlargement, taking into account the various levels of students’ knowledge of Portuguese. Thus there is a clear coherence of the syllabus with the UC intended learning outcomes.

Teaching methodologies

The methodology adopted is one that sees learning a foreign language as global, student-centered, topic-based, oriented towards action and autonomy, project –based, intercultural and reflective.
The work will be based on sequential tasks which are progressive and involve different levels of difficulty and which can be done individually or in groups.

Oral and written comprehension will be worked on through the analysis of different types of documents from different sources and will be linked to the topics selected.

Oral expression will be stimulated by participation in role plays of various everyday situations, the presentation of papers etc.

Written expression will be developed according to the interests and communicative needs of the students.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The linguistic and cultural skills of the students will be developed in the direction of the action and of the autonomy, intercultural and reflective. Throughout the course, will be covered by some historical aspects of geographical, political, literary, and artistic recherche and appropriate will, individually or in groups, sequential and progressive task traversing levels other than trouble. The oral and written understanding will be developed through the analysis of different types of documents related to the themes and intentions. The oral and written expression will be developed in everyday situations and dynamics of analyses and interpretations of various documents according to the communicative needs and interests of students.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

The unit evaluation will consist of


1.1 Participation in activities/tasks (70%)
Writing- carrying out work, comprehension, and written expression and vocabulary enrichment: individually or in groups (online/E-learning);


2.1 Tests (online).

Attendance system

Not applicable.

Assement and Attendance registers

Description Type Tempo (horas) End Date
Attendance (estimated)  Classes  33
  Total: 33


- ABRANTES, A.M. (2019). Ora Viva! Curso Rápido de Iniciação ao Português Língua Estrangeira. Lisboa: Lidel.

- CASTRO, C., PEREIRA, M., BORGES, L. (2022). Português em Rede. Nível A1. Porto: Porto Editora.

- LEMOS, H. (2018). Dialogar em Português. Lisboa: Lidel.

- MAGARREIRO, V.; CONCEIÇÃO, D.; CAÇADOR, R. (2022), Português Ativo para o Mundo Profissional (níveis A1/A2). Lisboa: Lidel

- OLIVEIRA, D. (2019). Português Já! Iniciação. Ensino de Português no Estrangeiro. Porto: Porto Editora.

- RUELA, I. (2016). Vocabulário Temático. Exercícios Lexicais. Lisboa: Lidel.

- SILVA, M. (2018). Português Atual 1. Textos e Exercícios. Lisboa: Lidel.


CAMÕES. INSTITUTO DA LÍNGUA E DA COOPERAÇÃO: http://www.instituto-camoes.pt/

GUIA DA CIDADE: https://www.guiadacidade.pt

NEW IN TOW: https://www.nit.pt/

NEW IN TOWN (SETÚBAL): https://newinsetubal.nit.pt/

TURISMO DE PORTUGAL: http://www.turismodeportugal.pt/Portugu%C3%AAs/Pages/Homepage.aspx

VISIT PORTUGAL: https://www.visitportugal.com/en

OBSERVATÓRIO DA LÍNGUA PORTUGUESA: http://observalinguaportuguesa.org/


To obtain approval, the student must complete ALL the mandatory assessment elements, namely, the tests and the mandatory activities.

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